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Art. 1 -The stricto sensu Graduation is intended to comply with the provisions of the Statute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and is ruled by the university legislation related to it, by this Regulation, by the other rules and guidelines established by the Council for Graduates (Conselho de Ensino para Graduados / CEPG) and by its own regulations.

Only Subsection - The Graduate Program in Clinical Medicine is open to graduate candidates who meet the UFRJ requirements established in Resolution No 1, December 1, 2006, and the Program requirements.






Art. 2 - The Graduate Program in Clinical Medicine is composed of research lines and projects under the responsibility of the Program’s facultymembers in which doctoral, master, and undergraduate students work in an articulated way.






Art. 3 - The Deliberative Commissionof the graduate program in Clinical Medicine is composed of a Coordinator, his/herAlternate, a representative of the students, and eight Permanent Facultymembers chosen by direct vote in the general assembly of the permanent faculty members. The renewal of the Deliberative Commission will take place every two years.

§1.The Coordinator of the graduate program and his/her Alternate shall be faculty members under awork regime of Exclusive Dedication of labor, or of 40-hour week.
§2. The Coordinator of the graduate program has a two-year mandate, and two re-appointments are allowed.
§3. The election of the Coordinator of the graduate program and the indication of his/her Alternate shall be approved by CEPG, for which each of the designated faculty member should present the curriculum vitae; the Minutes of the competent bodies that appointed the Coordinator and his/herAlternate; copy of the identity document and the social security number (Cadastro de Pessoa Física - CPF); declaration of the working regime; declaration of assets; registration form; and term of non-accumulation public office.
§4. The Deliberative Commission of the graduate program is the decision-making body within the scope of the graduate program, and its competence for decision-making is delegated by the CEPG on:

I.Request of leave of absence;

II.Request of reinstatement;

III.-Request of re-enrollment;

IV.Request of transfer credits;

  1. Request of exclusion of letter-grading system in a discipline;

VII.Request of change of level;

VIII. Composition of the master’s or doctorate examining board;




Art. 4 -It is the responsibility of the Program Coordinator to:

  1. I. Coordinate, control and supervise the activities of the Program;
  2. II. Propose changes in the organization and structure of the Program;

III. Supervise the implementation of the resources received;

  1. IV. To account for the administrative activities of the Program;
  2. V. To present an annual report of the activities of the Program;
  3. VI. To represent the Coordinating body of the Program in administrative and scientific meetings within and outside the university;

VII. Chair the Deliberative Commission of the Program.


Art. 5 -It is the responsibility of the Deliberative Commission to:

  1. I. Define the research lines of the Program;
  2. II. Define curricula, programs, teaching and evaluation methods;

III. Define actions to obtain resources for teaching and research activities;

  1. IV. Monitor the development of the activities of the Program and of the end-of-course papers;
  2. V. Distribute scholarships, according to previously established criteria;
  3. VI. Advise the Coordinator in technical and administrative activities;

VII. Propose curricular and regulation reforms;

VIII. Establish disciplinary rules not included in the regulation and resolve particular situations and omissions.




Art. 6 - The Deliberative Commission shall meet periodically to review all academic and administrative aspects of the program and shall record the meetings in the Minutes.

  • §1. There shall be at least six ordinary meetings a year.
  • §2. The attendance of the Deliberative Commissionmembers to meetings is mandatory. Absences shall be justified.
  • §3. Extraordinary meetings may be called with its declared purpose, by its Chairman or by resolution of the Deliberative Commission’s simple majority, in response to a justified request from any of its members, at least 48 hours in advance.




Art. 7 - The performance of teaching, research, extension and academic direction activities of the program are the responsibility of its faculty, composed of permanent professors, collaborating professors and visiting professors, whose productivity and dedication to the graduate program ensure the quality and regularity of teaching, research and orientation activities.

  • §1.Faculty shall be composed of holders of a Doctoral degree, earned in a Brazilian graduate program, recognized by the competent agency of the Ministry of Education, or earned abroad and duly revalidated in Brazil.
  • §2. All faculty members of the program shall be engaged in research lines of the program, producing original works of recognized value in their area.
  • §3. The faculty of the Graduate Program does not include any professor who workssporadicallyin the Graduate Program in any of the three categories listed in the main section of this article, either as a member of the examining board or as an examiner, lecturer or co-author of papers.


Art. 8 - Faculty is composed by:

  1. Mostly and compulsorily, by professors allotted in the Faculty of Medicine, and
  2. Optionally, by professors allotted in other UFRJ Academic Units or Supplementary Bodies;


Art. 9 - The Faculty of the Graduate Program consists of its permanent professors, who shall meet all the following prerequisites:

  1. I. To have a functional link with UFRJ;
  2. II.To be professors under the regime of Exclusive Dedication of labor, or of 40 hour-week;

III.To participate in a research project of the graduate program;

  1. IV.To be qualified to teach in the graduate program;
  2. V. To be qualified to guide master’s or doctoral students in the graduate program.

Only Subsection - The graduate program shall classify as permanent professor a number not lower than that considered minimum by the competent body of the Ministry of Education for the area, paying attention, likewise, to the maximum percentage and faculty stability in this category.


Art. 10 - The composition of the permanent Faculty shall be defined by a process of periodic reaccreditation. The reaccreditationshall be done with the same periodicity of the evaluations made by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / CAPES) to attribute a grade to the Programs. The analysis criteria for reaccreditation shall be established by the Deliberative Commission and shall be based on the criteria used by the Major Health Area of CAPES.

Only Subsection - Provided that they are authorized by the Deliberative Commissionand that this authorization does not establish a functional link with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, or alter the previously existing functional link, and that the recommendations related to the area of knowledge are observed in relation to the national evaluation of the Graduate Program, the faculty of a graduate program may comprise the holders of a Doctoral degree, or equivalent, under the following conditions:

  1. I. Visiting Professor, as defined in Art. 8 of Decree No. 94.664, July 23, 1987 (Single Plan for Classification and Remuneration of Positions and Jobs);
  2. II. Professor with a functional link with another higher education or research institution, whose performance at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro is allowed by cession or agreement;

III.Professor in partial dedication to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a percentage of workload dedicated to the graduate program compatible with the needs of teaching, orientation and research;

  1. IV. Retired professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in accordance with the specific regulations of the University Council;
  2. V. Technical-administrative employee of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro with a doctoral degree and competence recognized by the graduate program;

VI.Scholarship holder from a funding agency in the modality of a professor or researcher or equivalent;

VII. Professional with a functional link with another higher education or research institution, whose teaching and orientation activities shall be obligatorily performed together with a permanent professor of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, member of the graduate program.


Art. 11 - The graduate programs may count on the concurrence of collaborating professors.

Only Subsection -Professors classified as collaborating professors are the professors who, with or without functional ties to UFRJ, systematically participate in any of the graduate program’s activities - teaching, research, orientation - and allow including these activities as being solely a productionof the graduate program in which they collaborate.


Art. 12 - The graduate programs can also count on the concurrence, eventual and for a limited time, of visiting professors.

Only Subsection - Visiting lecturers or researchers are classified as full time lecturers or researchers who, for a given period of time, work in any of the activities of the graduate program, whether in teaching, research or orientation activities, and who fall into one of the following situations: (a) they have a functional relationship with another Institution, but are released from the activities corresponding to such relationship for a specific period; (b) they have a scholarship granted by a development agency for this purpose, or an employment contract, for a specific period, with UFRJ.




Art. 13 - All candidates to the Master’s Degree Program shall previously apply for a research internship, which will last a minimum of three months and a maximum of 12 months.

Art. 14 -During the research internship, the student may attend courses of the Program as anaudit, if there are placesavailable.

Art. 15 - Only after the completion of the research stage, the student may take the selection exam for joiningthe Program.




Art. 16 - The Graduate Program in Clinical Medicine is intended for candidates with a higher-level diploma.


Art. 17 - To be selected for the Master’s Course, the student shall obtain:

  1. I. Approval in the knowledge test in the candidate training area, of eliminatory nature;
  2. II. Approval in the English language test;

III. Approval in the evaluation of the research project by an examining commission composed of two professors from UFRJ, necessarily with a holder of a doctoral degree.

Only Subsection - The criteria used in the selection examination will be detailed in a Call for Applications.


Art. 18 - To be selected for the Doctoral Course, the student shall obtain:

  1. I. Approval in the analysis of the curriculum vitae, which demonstrates previous research experience;
  2. II. Approval of the research project, by an examining commission, composed of three professors from UFRJ, necessarily with Doctoral degrees.

III. Approval in the English language test;

  1. Approval in a research stage, at the discretion of the Advisor.

Only Subsection - The criteria used in the selection examination will be detailed in aCall for Applications.


Art. 19 - The selected foreign candidate, non-Portuguese-speaking, will have up to one year to prove proficiency in the Portuguese language.


Art. 20 - Students selected in the form of articles 17 and 18 and classified within the number of places established annually by the Coordination will be entitled to enrollment.

  • §1. The number of places offered shall be contingent upon the ability of the Permanent Faculty of the Program to provide guidance. The orientation capacity of each professor is determined by the Deliberative Commission through the analysis of his/her intellectual production, the average number of graduates each year, and the average time these graduates spent in earning their degree.
  • §2. Students in the Master’s Course may request a change of level to the Doctoral Course, after a minimum period of one year, without a Master’s thesis defense. The request for change of level shall be made by the student and his/her faculty advisor and shall be judged by an examining board composed of three faculty members, one of them being external to the Program. The examination shall be based on the proof of competence and academic capacity, through the performance in the studied disciplines and the analysis of preliminary results and the scope of the research project.
  • §3.The enrollment in the doctoral Course of students holding the Master’s degree will only be allowed by the mechanism described above (Art. 20, § 2).
  • §4. In addition to the annual admission of doctoral students, the Program may accept doctoral students at any time, provided that the following requirements are met: 1. application by the student, sanctioned by a Permanent Faculty memberof the Program; 2. presentation of a research project linked to the research lines under development in the Program; and 3. approval by an examining board composed of three faculty members, based on the analysis of the curriculum, the research project, and in an interview with the candidate.
  • §5. Students with active enrollment in another stricto sensugraduate program will not be admitted.
  • §6. The selected candidate has up to six months to present the Graduate Diploma.




Art. 21 - The student will be disconnected from the Program, upon cancellation of his/her enrollment by the Coordinator, in the following situations:

  1. I. Dropping out of the course, characterized by the student not enrolling in at least one discipline, in a school term;
  2. II. Paralysis of the activities of its research project, characterized by the omission in the presentation of the six-monthly doctoral dissertation progress report, endorsed by the Advisor, or even by the content of this same report;

III. Depletion of the regimental deadline for the completion of the Course;

  1. IV. Inappropriate behavior, characterizing serious indiscipline, at the discretion of the Deliberative Commission;
  2. V. Failingin more than one discipline in the same or different periods.


Art. 22 - The student who has his enrollment cancelled may request his reinstatement.

  • §1. The reinstatement will necessarily take place through a selection process.
  • §2. In case of reinstatement, the student shall be ruled by the Regulations and rules in force at the time of readmission, and the transfer of credits of disciplines previously attended, up to the limit of 70% of the total minimum workload of pedagogical activities recorded in the academic transcript.




Art. 23 - Activities are performed full-time.

Art. 24 - Every student should receive individualized teaching guidance.

  • §1. Orientation shall be the responsibility of one and up to a maximum of three advisors, all of whom holding a doctoral degree or equivalent, one of whom shall be a permanent professor of the graduate program and a member of the active staff of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, or a permanent professor of the graduate program and a retired professor of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, respecting, in this case, the provisions of Art. 10, § 2, IV of Resolution 1/2006. In the event there is more than one advisor, including the cases of the modalities of sandwich doctorate scholarship and co-tutorship, all advisors shall formally declare their agreement with the joint orientation.
  • §2. When the research project requires the participation of an external advisor to the UFRJ, the student shall be, simultaneously, guided by a permanent professor of the Program.
  • §3. In exceptional cases, the student may request the exchange of an advisor, forwarding a reasoned justification, in written form, for evaluation by the Deliberative Commission of the Program.


Art. 25 - The Disciplines and their respective workloads will be registered in the UFRJ List of Registered Disciplines.


Art. 26 - The evaluation of the student activities is done through the workload of pedagogical activities and the cumulative grade point average (GPA).

  • §1.The workload of pedagogical activity to earn the Doctoral degree shall not be less than 450 class hours.
  • §2.The workload of pedagogical activity to earn the Master’sdegree shall not be less than 360 class hours.
  • §3.The workload of pedagogical activity in the Master’s course may be computed to earn the Doctoral degree up to the limit of 360 class hours.
  • §4. Medical residence, when completed in a medical residence program recognized by the competent body of the Ministry of Education, may be equivalent to 60 class hours, at the discretion of the coordination.
  • §5. The transfer of the pedagogical activity workload obtained in other institutions at the stricto sensuGraduate level is admitted, up to the limit of one third of the total class hours required to earn the corresponding degree.


Art. 27 - The Master’s Course has, in its academic program, Compulsory, Elective and Disciplines of Related Areas. The Doctoratehas only Compulsory and Elective Disciplines.


Art. 28 - The school periods of the Program and the deadlines for registration and withdrawal from Disciplines are defined by the CEPG. The Student performance will be expressed through one of the following letter-grading system:

  1. A (Excellent);
  2. B (Good);

III. C (Regular);

  1. D (Unsatisfactory).

Only Subsection - Students assessed with “A”, “B” or “C” and with anattendance of 75% (seventy-five percent) or more in the discipline will be considered approved.


Art 29 - At the discretion of the professor responsible for the student, the indication “I” (Incomplete) will be granted to the student who, not having concluded the works of the discipline, makes a commitment to complete them in a period never exceeding one academic semester.

Only Subsection - The indication “I” will automatically be replaced by “D” if the work is not completed in due time.


Art. 30 - A student may drop a discipline during the school term for a justifiable reason, with the acceptance of the professor who is responsible for him/herand of the deliberative commission of the graduate program, which will be registered in the academic transcript with the indication “J” (Justified Withdrawal).


Art. 31 - The indication “T” (Transferred) will be attributed to the disciplines referred to in Art. 41 of the CEPG Resolution No 1, December 10, 2006.


Art. 32 - The cumulative grade point average (GPA) will be calculated by the weighted average of the letter-grade system with the values A = 3; B = 2; C = 1; D = 0, in which weight is the workload of each discipline.

Only Subsection. Disciplines marked “I”, “J” or “T”shall appear in the academic transcript but will not be considered for GPA calculation.


Art. 33 -The cumulative grade point average (GPA) will be calculated by the weighted average of the letter-grade system, considering the weight as the workload (class hours) of each discipline, with the following values:A - 3 (three); B - 2 (two); C - 1 (one); D - 0 (zero).


Art. 34 - The Master’s Course has a maximum duration of three years. The Doctorate has a maximum duration of five years.

  • §1. There shall be no leave of absence for the first term of the course, except in exceptional cases which unequivocally characterize the student’s impediment to participating in academic activities.
  • §2. The leave of absence may not exceed six months and 12 months, consecutive or not, for the Master’s and Doctoral degrees, respectively.
  • §3. The leave of absence shall not interrupt the counting of the periods referred to in the caput of this Article.
  • §4. The granting of the leave of absence will depend on the approval of the Deliberative Commission of the Program.


Art. 35 - The student may request the Deliberative Commission of the Program, with the due justification and opinion of its guiding professor, the extension of the deadlines established in Art. 34.

  • §1.Extension time may not exceed 12 months and six months, for the Doctoral and Master’s degrees, respectively.
  • §2.The authorization for extension shall be approved by the Graduate and Research Commission of the Academic Unit or Supplementary Body.


Art. 36 - Special academic regime shall be ensured by presentation of a medical certificate to the Coordination of the Graduate Program: the pregnant student, for three months, starting from the eighth month of pregnancy, or at medical discretion, in accordance with the provisions of Law No 6202, April 17, 1975;

  1. to students in a physical condition incompatible with class attendance, in accordance with the provisions of Decree-Law No 1044, October 2, 1969, for a maximum period of six months.
  • §1. The home exercises provided for in the special academic regime do not apply to disciplines of an experimental or practical nature.
  • §2.For the purposes of the deadlines provided for in Art. 34, the period of special academic regime shall not be counted, as provided for in Art. 36.


Art. 37 - Students from other UFRJ Graduate, Undergraduate Programs and Courses or from other Higher Education Institutions will be allowed to enroll in a single discipline, in compliance with the relevant university legislation and safeguarding the priority of the rights of students regularly enrolled in the Graduate Program in Clinical Medicine.





Art. 38 - The Master’s course cannot last less than one school year; the Doctoral course cannot last less than two academic years.


Art. 39 -The student to be considered suitable for earning a Master’s degree will have to:

  1. I. Complete the minimum requirement of 360 class hours;
  2. II. Achievea minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0;

III. Satisfy the requirement of reading and interpreting in English, or prove proficiency in this language;

  1. IV. Present a dissertation proving formal research, guided by a Permanent Professor of the Program, demonstrating the knowledge of the scientific methodology;
  2. V. Publish or submit for publication in an indexed journal at least part of his dissertation work before the final stage of the Course.


Art. 40 - The student to be considered suitable for earning a Doctoral degree will have to:

  1. I. Complete the minimum requirement of 450 class hours;
  2. II. Achieved a minimum GPA of 2.0;

III. Satisfy the requirement of reading and interpreting in English, or prove proficiency in this language;

  1. Present a dissertation proving formal research, guided by a Permanent Professor of the Program, whose result represents a real scientific contribution.
  2. Publish or submit for publication in an indexed journal at least part of his dissertation before the final stage of the Course.
  • §1. The doctoral student shall take the Qualifying Examination, according to Article 2, item VI of Resolution 5/83 of the Federal Council of Education. The Examining Board shall be appointed by the Program Coordination, and shall consist of two professors, holders of a Doctoral degree or equivalent. The result of the Qualifying Examination shall be recorded in the Minutes.
  • §2. Exceptionally, the CEPG may authorize the direct defense of a Doctoral dissertation to candidates of high scientific, cultural or professional qualification, expressed in titles and works, upon justified request, accompanied by the Minutes of the competent bodies in the Unit.


Art. 41 - The Master’s or Doctoral’ Degree in Medicine, in the Area of Concentration inClinical Medicine, will be granted to the graduate student in Medicine who complies with the provisions of Articles 39 and 40, and obtains the approval of the dissertation or thesis by a Qualified Examining Board. The Master or Doctoral of Science’s Degree will be granted to graduate students from other higher-level courses.

  • §1.The composition of the Master’s Thesis Examining Board shall be composed of three members, at least one of whom shall be external to the Program and two alternates (one internal and one external). The composition of the Examining Board of the Doctoral Dissertation shall be five members, and at least two of them external to the Program and two alternates (one internal and one external). Optionally, the doctoral student’s advisor may chair the Examining Board.
  • §2.The composition of the Examining Board shall be proposed by the Program Coordination and submitted to the Graduate and Research Commission (CPGP) for approval.
  • §3.Requests for approval by the Examining Board shall include the names of all members, full members and alternates, attaching the curriculum vitae, in the Lattes format, of each member outside the UFRJ.
  • §4.The graduate student and the advisor(s) shall be responsible for contacting the members of the board and consulting them on their availability for the proposed date; once a date has been set by consensus for the various members of the board, the advisor(s) shall notify the program coordinator, who shall open the process for approval of the board and issue an invitation letter. It is the student’s responsibility to deliver the thesis and invitation letter to the members of the board. The members of the board shall receive the thesis at least thirty days before the defense date.
  • §5. Thesis and dissertation defenses shall be public, with prior disclosure of the place and time in which they will be held.
  • §6.The act of a thesis or dissertation’s defense and its result shall be recorded in the Minutes, in accordance with the instructions established by the CEPG.
  • §7. The examining board may condition the approval of the thesis or dissertation to the fulfillment of requirements, within a maximum period of 90 days which shall not include the period provided for in § 1 of this Article.
  • §8. At the end of the thesis or dissertation’s defense, the examining board shall decide - by simple majority - whether to approve or reject the candidate.
  • §9.In case of approval with requirements, these shall be recorded in theMinutes, as well as the name(s) of the board member(s) responsible for the control and verification of their compliance by the student.
  • §10. After approval of the thesis or dissertation, the student will have a maximum period of sixty days to deliver to the secretariat of the graduate program the copies of the final version, prepared in accordance with the CEPG specific resolution on the subject.
  • §11. Once the student has submitted the final version of the thesis or dissertation, the graduate program will have a maximum period of thirty days to submit the process of defense ratification and the issuance of the diploma to the CEPG, when the supporting documentation of the information requested in Art. 39 and Art. 40 will be required, depending on whether the student is concluding his/herDoctoral or Master’sdegree, respectively.
  • §12. The CEPG shall not homologate the result of a thesis or dissertation defense whose process is in disagreement with what is determined in Articles 39 and 40, respectively; likewise, it shall not homologate the result of the defense of a student who has not complied with the provisions of § 11 of this Article.
  • §13 - Every thesis or dissertation presented for defense shall contain, in annex, the research work in the form of an article for publication, in Portuguese or in a foreign language, or a copy of a thesis / dissertation work already published.




Art. 42- For equivalence purposes, a credit corresponds to 15 hours of academic activities.

Art. 43 - Cases not provided for in this Regulation shall be evaluated by the Higher Bodies.

Art. 44 - These Regulations shall come into force from the date of their approval by the CEPG.



Regulation approved by the CEPG Chamber of Legislation and Rules on August 14, 2009

Case Reference No 23079.035505/2007-63. In compliance with Resolution No. 1, December 1, 2006, CEPG - UFRJ



UFRJ Programas de Pós-graduação da Faculdade de Medicina da UFRJ
Desenvolvido por: TIC/UFRJ